14:00 - 16:15
Session: GS6
[Well-being] + Design
Designing HCI Strategies to Communicate and Suggest Action for Climate Change Mitigation
Human-computer interaction; Design; Interaction; Visualisation; Climate change
Marta FERREIRA, Valentina NISI, Nuno Jardim NUNES

Climate change is arguably the most urgent issue of our time, demanding the participation of all types of stakeholders, from individuals to governments. However, climate change communication has been focused on negative framings based on the mere presentation of data, in many cases demotivating or simply not helping in action. This Ph.D. proposes using a Research through Design (RtD) approach to create and evaluate communication design and HCI strategies to meaningfully encode and present outside the obvious, actionable climate-related messages to diverse audiences of non-experts. The studies will focus on the development of HCI projects focused on less explored climate change topics, addressing the gaps found and implementing the implications for design proposed in the first stage of the research. The purpose is to design, test, and evaluate different interactive communication strategies through iterative studies to contribute to new design solutions and guidelines for future work.