14:00 - 16:15
Session: GS5
[Technology] + Design
The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Graphic Design: Exploring Challenges and Possibilities of AI-Driven Autonomous branding
graphic design, branding, artificial intelligence, machine learning, algorithms, data, speculative, co-design

Artificial intelligence (AI)’s potential impact on graphic design has stimulated arange of questions and concerns from both design practitioners and academics about the future of AI-driven designs. For instance, how will AI tackle issues associated with ethics, cultural acceptance, and creativity, and what are the possibilities of having autonomous AI-driven brands? This study investigates the potential impact of AI on graphic designers, including an assessment of how to use AI as a self-governed system in branding rather than an application tool exploring new opportunities associated with data and algorithms. Speculative co-design methodology was the main approach to initiating provocative discussions and debates through semi-structured interviews and co-design workshop. The study was conducted in Saudi Arabia with participants from academia and the industry. The findings suggest alternating human–machine entanglements around self-driven AI brands, which will enable designers and researchers to explore alternative futures in this field.