10:50 - 12:30
Session: S43
[Community Life] + Design
Community Life Project Platform (CLPP) for Collective Impact – Based on Community Design 3.0 Framework
Collective Impact; Community Design 3.0; Endogenous Development; Community Capacity Building; Transformation Design
Tao CHEN, Juyoung CHANG

Co-production and proximate consumption based on local resources can enable communities to be simultaneously creative and sustainable, thereby enhancing community resilience in the face of modern ‘wicked’ problems. This is an endogenous development model in the community. However, there is a lack of guidance on the modes and specific framework of endogenous community design in community development research. This paper proposes the concept of Community Design 3.0 based on endogenous development. At its core is the collaboration to co-create sustainable local solutions to enhance community capacity and collective impact (CI). We present an ‘endogenous’ framework for the collective impact that uses the Community Life Project Platform (CLPP) for specific design deployments, including a design process and design module. The research shows that Community Design 3.0 combines both short-term design interventions and long term collective impact. The three stages of Community Design 3.0 demonstrated the fundamental role and value of CLPP research for CI. The construction of CLPP as a transformation design facilitates ongoing conversations and collaborative innovation and will trigger changes in lifestyles and cultures.