10:50 - 12:30
Session: S06
Physical and the Virtual] + Design
The Layman Got Ropes——Exploration of content enhancement and interactive design for watching online ice hockey matches
Flow Theory; Augmented Reality; User Experience; Interaction Design
Zhiyong FU, Songling GAO, Yidan WU

At present, watching ice hockey matches online is facing the problem of insufficient presentation of match content; this requires further expand the user’s perception channels and allows ordinary users to enjoy a more excellent and immersive viewing experience. This article is tested in an augmented reality environment, guided by flow theory, through theoretical research, user interviews, prototype testing, and other methods to analyze the differences in experience between professional users and ordinary users. Our research has found specific methods and forms to improve online viewing of ice hockey matches and combine flow theory to propose future content enhancement forms and interactive design strategies, which provide a powerful reference for the in-depth design later.