This study explores the subjective emotion projection of college students regarding the campus counselling centre. The face-to-face interview was conducted in this study to understand the college students’ positive and negative emotion which projected to the interior configuration and decoration of counselling rooms. Nowadays, there is no clear interior design regulation for the campus counselling centre, which almost depends on the personal preferences and professional experience of the counsellors. However, the inappropriate interior design may increase student’s psychological burden. Therefore, this study conducted two experiments. The first experiment was online questionnaire survey to evaluate the psychological status and interior preferences of college students and select the subject candidates for the second stage of experiment, the face-to-face interview. The simple statistics and expert group KJ method were used in this study to analyse the interview results. The result found that college student will project their emotion toward to the factors in the counselling room during the counselling process. The appropriate furniture configuration and interior decoration such as plants can effectively enhance college students’ positive emotion regarding the counselling centre; on the contrary, too many factors, wrong colours such as dark walls, etc., would cause the negative emotion. The results of the study were expected to be a reference for the interior design and decoration of the counselling centre in university campus in the future, and creating a more secure, comfortable, and effective counselling space.