15:00 - 16:40
Session: S31
[Enabling Practices] + Design
Side-stepping future transport exclusion via an expanded inclusive design approach
Inclusive Design; Transport; Social Exclusion; Mobility; Autonomous Vehicles
Robin SEVERS, Jiayu WU, Cyriel DIELS, Dale HARROW, Martin UHLARIK

Access to transport is essential for an individual’s e!ective participation in social,economic and political activities. However, individuals are excluded from participating in many of these activities due to transport-related social exclusion. Inclusivedesign is commonly used to address issues of exclusion in the development ofproducts and services for older and disabled people. However, little has beendone to explore the application of inclusive design in addressing transport-relatedsocial exclusion. Through a literature review comparing the key approaches andconcepts of inclusive design and transport-related social exclusion, and evaluatingthe suitability of inclusive design for addressing issues of transport-related socialexclusion, this paper presents an expanded approach to inclusive design for usein the design of vehicles and transport services. This expanded approach encourages transport designers and researchers to consider a range of excluded peoplegroups outside of the age-ability construct and to also address issues of availabilityand user experience beyond the initial focus of usability. By exploring the currenttransport experiences of a range of excluded people groups, a number of commonareas of transport exclusion were identified including physical exclusion, digital &information exclusion, cost & payment exclusion, service exclusion, and psychological exclusion. Through the use of the expanded approach of inclusive designfor transport and these common areas of transport exclusion, transport designersand researchers can better ensure that all issues of transport exclusion are beingaddressed in the development of new and future vehicles and transport servicesfrom the outset of their development.