10:50 - 12:30
Session: S37
[Situating Cognition] + Design
What Is Your Team Personality Traits? The Role of Convergence Effect between Team Personality Propensity and Team Performance in Design Thinking Processes
Personality Traits; Team Personality Propensity; Team Performance; Convergence E!ect; Design Thinking
Tseng-Ping CHIU, Rui MAO, Ya-Chun YANG

Design thinking is a powerful tool to boost team performance and it was viewed as a team-based creative process. In addition, past research has shown that individual characteristics of personality traits (i.e., the Big-Five Model) were the most key factor to determine successful team performance. However, there is a lack of research to probe the relationship between team personality propensity and team performance. This research aimed to investigate the team personality traits composition from the individual level to group level by applying experimental manipulation in the design thinking course practices. As a result, we found the convergence effect of team personality propensity occurred in order to facilitate team process-performance and thus influenced the overall team performance.