10:50 - 12:30
Session: S27
[Sensory Perceptions] + Design
Incorporating Sensory Reflection to Understand the Past, Current and Future Experience of the Emotional Mobility
Emotional Mobility; Sensory Reflection; Emotional Hierarchy; Temporal Context
Ningyi DAI, Zhengyu TAN, Yutian LEI, Xiang GAO

Designers are using the human senses as part of the form and experience of engaging in emotional mobility. There is a distinction between long-term and short-termemotional goals in mobility experience. However, the current emotional designtheory lacks attention to the collateral e!ects. We developed a framework forsensory reflection, a designer’s approach to creating unique experiences. It aims tounderstand how designers abstract sensory information, disconnect deep personalemotions from the senses and encapsulate them in an emotional mobility design.Based on the Sensory Experience Design project of GAC R&D Center, this studyfurther reports on the process and results of a workshop based on this framework, exploring the variability in designers’ understanding of emotional mobility indi!erent temporal contexts. Through a sensory narrative approach, 36 designersused Sensory Reflection Inspired (SRI) cards to envision emotional mobility in fourtemporal contexts: ‘no theme’, ‘past’, ‘current’, and ‘future’. Designers commentedon the SRI cards as useful. They agree that the cards can promote thinking in theearly stages of design. And then, their narrative texts and the proportion of cardsselected were counted. The results showed that the designers could clearly distinguish between di!erent temporal contexts when doing their sensory reflectivepractices. No theme and ‘current’ themes led to a pattern of long-term emotionalpurpose. The ‘past’ and ‘future’ themes, on the other hand, led to designers’ sensoryreflections that emphasized long-term emotional goals and incorporated thoughtful, emotional connotations.