15:00 - 16:40
Session: S47
[Behaviour and Cognition] + Design
Goal Based Bundling: A Behaviorally Informed Strategy to Combine Multiple Smart Products
Product Bundle; Smart Products; Goal Systems Theory; Glue Product; Samsung Electronics
Sooa HWANG, Hyunah PARK, Minjung SOHN, Daeun YOO, Changmin HAN, Jaewoo JOO

Contemporary electronic manufacturers struggle with how to develop attractive bundles by combining their existing smart products. In the present work, we propose Goal Based Bundling (GBB) by drawing on the academic research of goal systems theory (Kruglanski et al., 2018) and shed light on two previously ignored aspects of bundling strategy: service and glue product. We applied our GBB to a collaborative project with Samsung Electronics, whose goal was to develop new product bundles for kids by combining multiple smart home products. We constructed a framework of Samsung Electronics’ smart products and then visualized it on its sales website. A UI design conveying the value of smart products bundle was developed based on GBB structure. We discuss the process and the result of our project to provide insights into the product managers who combine existing smart products to develop a bundle.