Huamin Qu is a chair professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) and also the director of the interdisciplinary program office (IPO) of HKUST. His main research interests are in visualization and human-computer interaction, with focuses on urban informatics, social network analysis, E-learning, text visualization, and explainable artificial intelligence (XAI). He has co-authored about 200 refereed papers and more than 60 papers are published in the IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), making him one of the most productive researchers in this journal. He is currently an associate editor of Computer Graphics Forum (CGF), and was an associate editor of IEEE TVCG, a paper co-chair for IEEE VIS'14, VIS'15 and VIS'18, a program co-chair for IEEE PacificVis'11 and IEEE PacificVis'12, a conference co-chair for VINCI'11 and VINCI'12, and a program vice chair for ChinaGraph 2014.
His research has been recognized by many awards including 14 best paper/honorable mention awards, 2009 IBM Faculty Award, 2014 Higher Education Scientific and Technological Progress Award (Second Class) from the Ministry of Education of China, 2015 HKICT Best Innovation (Innovative Technology) Silver Award from the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, 2015 APICTA Merit Award in E-Learning from the Asia Pacific ICT Alliance, 2016 Distinguished Collaborator Award from Huawei Noah's Ark Lab, and 2018 Yelp Dataset Challenge Round 10 Grand Prize Award. The technologies developed by his group have been adopted by Microsoft, IBM, Huawei, Tencent, Bosch, etc. His teaching and research have received more than 30 media coverages, including NHK TV, IEEE spectrum, MIT News, Tech in Asia, Southern China Morning Post, Ming Pao, Wenhui Pao, etc.